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Portland area counseling services for a healthy mind, body and soul
Educational Podcasts
Tiffany Kettermann, LPC, LMHC has been a speaker at the international Survivor Empowerment Telesummit for the last two years. This is an event that provides podcasts about how to heal from narcissistic abuse from twenty different internationally known speakers and authors on narcissistic abuse. In 2019, nearly 12,000 listeners joined in on the event. You can still access these events here and utilize the educational podcasts in your healing.

Living Full Out Radio Show
October 19, 2019 11:15 am
Tiffany Kettermann, LPC, LMHC will be interviewed live by Nancy Solari on the Living Full Out Radio Show on Saturday October 19, 2019 from 11:15 am to 11:45 am PST.
"The Living Full Out Radio Show is dedicated to sharing empowering stories of resilience. Our guests are remarkable individuals who have overcome life-altering challenges, passionately devoted themselves to achieving their greatest dreams, or made a virtuous impact in their community to better their life and the lives of those around them. All of our guests have one thing in common: their amazing anecdotes touch the lives of every listener and motivate them to fulfill their own stories and live life full out!"
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