Portland area counseling services for a healthy mind, body and soul
Insurances we accept
Below is a list of all the insurances we accept as an organization. However, each therapist is different. Please see the therapist's description to ensure that therapist takes your insurance.
Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid
Open Card
HealthShare/Care Oregon
Yamhill CCO is coming soon
Check with us for other Oregon medicaid insurances
We do not take Washington Medicaid
Private Insurances
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Regence)
Kaiser - coming Spring 2023
United Health Care
Other Programs
Medicare (a limited number of practitioners are able to take Medicare)
Pacificsource Medicare
Washington Crime Victims Fund
and Oregon Crime Victims Fund
Out of Network Billing
We do not currently offer out of network billing.
​Sliding Scale Billing
We have a policy to accept all patients regardless of their ability to pay. The policy includes an implemented schedule of discounts (sliding fee scale) for patients whose income is under 200 percent of federal poverty guidelines. Please contact us for more information
This practice also does not discriminate in the provision of services to an individual based upon the individual’s age, race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or religion.